Artwork by Trisha Van Cleef

Trisha did not  begin her career as an artist, originally she was a designer, and after several notorious ventures into the world of fashion, she decided that art was to be her means of expression. The art that she creates has to be emotional & spontaneous - there are no rules as regards the materials that can be used and - most important - it has to be beautiful.  No time is allowed  for reason or for calculating  "the design"  - it happens in the moment and then is frozen.  Trisha never titles the final results  but relies on friends to come up with names for her creations.  She does not believe in reading the instructions on the cans or tubes of paint (how boring) and some very interesting visual results are born from these chemical machinations.


Trisha's artwork has been utilized as cover artwork for musicians, custom furniture, cars, motorcycles and a myriad of objects. Her custom bottles are collected avidly. If you would like to purchase art, decorative objects or commission originals, please contact us at:



Trisha Van Cleef

Management: Adam Fisk

Fisky Enterprises

969 East Santa Clara Street

Ventura, CA 93001

Phone: (919) 348-3878


© 2020 Trisha Van Cleef. All rights reserved.